
A comic featuring A Haloween party with various costumes including a person wearing a devil costume having the tail pulled by a dog, a lady hugging a welsh corgi, an older lady throwing a sandal at a rat, a cat waitign paitiently for a mouse peaking it's head out of a mousehole, Phillip Gerba swerving his bike to avoid a skunk, and a bison.

As I write this my cat, Artimis, is curled up into a ball on my recliner. Thinking about her as a furry little member of the household seems quite natural. Cats and dogs might seem like they are our natural companions because we are all mammals, but the reason I was so eager to keep Artimis was that I saw here as a solution to the mouse problem I was having in my apartment, and of course mice are mammals too.

Of course rodents can cause many good memories too, as you will see if you tuned in for the next tow weeks and see the moment I knew I really loved the woman who became my wife.